Saturday 17 October 2015

Dissecting battery ignited bosch hot water services 13b and 16b models

Do you own a Bosch 13B or 16B hot water service?  Are you having problems with it?  Are you getting cold water instead of hot?  Or perhaps its just not igniting the natural or lp gas?  These are just a couple of the symptoms that relate to a fault with your Bosch Battery Ignited Hot Water Service, in this weeks blog post we will dissect a few of the common symptoms of a problematic bosch battery ignition hot water service and what are the required steps for a licensed plumber to fix your hot water system.
example of a Bosch 13b hot water service flaming up properly after the water section has been overhauled
To start with if you have a Bosch 13b or 16b hot water service which will not ignite the gas there are most likely 2 things which will be wrong.  Either the 2 x D size batteries have gone flat which assist in the ignition process or the ignition control pack has packed it in.  If it is just the batteries this will be a relatively cheap fix at approx $10 on parts, but if it is the ignition control pack then this will be a bit more pricey at approx $250 for a genuine bosch ignition pack.

If your bosch 13b or 16b hot water service is only sometimes igniting the ignition module could be out of alignment and this is a relatively simple task to be under taken by a licensed plumber which initially requires no parts.  If how ever this still does not resolve the problem it can then lead to the ignition pack needing to be replaced.

Are you noticing significant temperature spikes whilst in the shower, fluctuations from warm water to scalding hot?  If this problem has only just recently occurred and you have not replaced a shower head then this is a very go indicator that the water section for the bosch 13b or 16b is in need of an overhaul.  Typically parts for this job start at approx $85 for the diaphragm and then approx $75 for the other parts which make up the complete water section over haul, your plumber would advise at the time as to if both repair kits are needed or just the one.  If it is established that water section is in good condition and the problem is still occurring the gas valve may need re-greasing, no parts are needed but it can be labour intensive (your licensed plumber will advise).  When considering taking the step of dismantling the bosch 13b or 16b to re-grease the gas valve components the age of the hot water service should be taken into consideration as it may be a better option to just upgrade, but your licensed master plumber from Mayfair Plumbing and Gasfitting would assist with these decisions at the time.

If you would like to discuss the operation of your Bosch Battery Ignition Hot Water Service with an accredited hot water repairer why not visit us online at or feel free to contact us via our emergency plumbing cell +61429361819

Saturday 3 October 2015

Why won't my front loading clothes washer work? I bet you didn't think of this did you??

This week I was called to remove a dishwasher from a customers home which they had for nearly 20 years and replace this with a front loading clothes washer, sounded like a pretty simple job?  Probably have to adjust a few connections but nothing to major one would think??
I arrived on site to perform the installation of the new front loading clothes washer, my customer had purchased this from Radio Rentals the clothes washing machine was already 1 year old as it was an ex rental machine, it was in really good condition like new.
I started by performing the plumbing disconnections of the old dish washing machine, the dish washer was located approximately 3 meters away from the kitchen sink so the cold water inlet and pumped drainage hose had both been extended through the cupboards to suit the location.  Fortunately there was an isolation valve for the water (and it actually worked, even bigger bonus).  Removing the old dish washer wasn't to bad but getting the new clothes washer into place is always quite a challenge especially when your on your own.
Once the new clothes washer was in its place there was a few minor adjustments that needed to be made to the plumbing, the water inlet needed extending by approximately 500 millimeters and the pumped discharge line needed extending by 1 meter.
Once these fairly simple plumbing jobs where performed it was time to check for leaks on the new plumbing.  To do this  I simply turned the water back onto the supply for the clothes washer and then ran the machine through a short cycle (the power must also be turned on), by running the machine through a cycle this will allow me to check for leaks on the pumped discharge line.  When the water started to get pumped through the line one of the stainless steel worm clamps I used did have a little weep so this needed a little further tightening up, after that was done the small water leak stopped and there were no other leaks, great result!
I then proceeded to start fixing a couple of leaking taps over the kitchen sink whilst the machine finished off its cycle,the strangest thing was happening, the machine would get to the end of its cycle and just would not dump the water, i tried resetting the cycle and a few other things like turning the power on and off to re set the computer inside the machine.  Even after trying these things the machine would not dispose of the water from inside of the front loading clothes washing machine?  What was going on?  I was starting to scratch my head a little and I felt a few more grey hairs coming on.  I pulled the clothes washer out from under the bench again to see if perhaps the pumped drainage hose was kinked?  No everything was fine, what was going on.  There was no instructions as the unit was 1 year old so I was very baffled.  I didn't want to leave the property with the machine not working but perhaps I may need the manufacturer to engage one of there service agents, it sounded as though there was a problem with the pump.
As I was finishing off the leaking taps over the kitchen sink I had a thought pop into my head, could the pumped drainage line be blocked?  I looked down the trap riser in the sink to see if there was some sort of blockage stopping the water getting into the 50 millimeter S and P combination trap.  I couldn't even see where the nipple on the side of the trap had been drilled out what was going on here???
I asked the customer have you ever used the dishwasher that has been in your house for 20 years?  She replied no it never worked properly, she told me her friend hooked it up for her many years ago and didn't want to tell him it didn't work. OH MY GOD, so for 20 years these customers have had a dishwasher which never worked.  So I disconnected the PVC trap under the sink and sure enough the nipple on the side of the trap had never ever been drilled out "WOW WEE".  So I carefully drilled it out and put all the waste riser plumbing back together, checked it for leaks by running some water down the sink and then went over to the front loading clothes washer, I turned the new machine back on and sure enough as it went into pumping mode to get rid of the water away it all went down the drain AMEN.   I told the customer of the great news, she started hugging and kissing me she was so re leaved, trust me she wasn't the only I tell you.
Can you believe this experience which I had it has surely amazed me and given me a real reminder that when your working in the maintenance plumbing field fault finding can really play a large part of the job and being able to successfully identify and then fix the plumbing or gas problem can make the real difference between a good job and an outstanding job!
If you need a plumbing firm who can undertake a task for you that may be a little left of field why not visit us at or call me on my cell phone +61429361819, hope you have enjoyed reading about my experience this week as a plumber and I cant wait to bring you more exciting stories to you in the future.
If you've had an experience which you would like to share I'd love to hear from you, please drop me a line.

Connecting a front loading clothes washing machine by a licensed plumber