Saturday 22 October 2016

Is my hot water service still covered under warranty?

When ever we get a new inquiry relating to a faulty hot water system the first thing we always ask our customer is how old is your current system?

9 out of 10 times the answer is I’m not sure but it’s pretty old.  So how can you tell what age the hot water service is?  And if it is still covered under a manufacturer’s warranty?

All hot water services come with some form of compliance plate or sticker attached to them, the trick is finding where this information is located on the system itself and if it is still legible.
If your hot water service is located on the roof ie: Solar Hot Water Service finding the compliance plate is going to be tricky unless you have a ladder and you’re not worried about climbing onto roofs.  Other types of water heaters such as continuous flow or instant gas the compliance plates can be located behind the front cover and should not be accessed unless you are a licensed gas fitter or electrician.  But on the storage type cylinders which sit on the ground when the unit is brand new you will find the compliance plate along the top part of the cylinder, but of course over time this can become deformed by the weather and fade away.

At Mayfair Plumbing and Gasfitting we always write the Date of manufacture, Serial number and Model number down onto the user manual and also onto the customer’s receipt of purchase.  By doing this it provides our customers with an immediate point of reference in the future when it comes to warranty claims.

You will find that all hot water manufacturers cover everything in the first 12 months from installation by a licensed plumber and then after that the amount of cover slowly decreases.  After the first 12 months things like labour may no longer be covered but parts will be.  Items such as the heat exchangers and tanks are covered for far longer periods with some manufacturers offering up to 10 years’ warranty depending on the material and the use of the system ie: domestic or commercial.

If you have a question which might be related to a warranty claim on your hot water system contact us today on 0429361819 or email all online questions 24/7 to


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